Advanced Tracking Technology
It's perhaps no surprise that the worldwide delivery and express package giant is also a trail-blazer in transport eyewear.Claims for damage often stump consumers who assume that contact-lens companies will make good any problems.Evidence however suggests that drivers who wear these spectacles are about 50% less likely to get into an accident than those without such protection.And according to some research findings, they transform vision so as to increase hazard clarity: one year after beginning this study, 165 students who had been given corrective lenses reported their fields of view were wider and less dense with objects than students wearing glasses.For these very reasons then, progressive lenses are catching on in a big way with more and more truck drivers.The technology to cement a trilateral cooperation agreement between China, Japan and Korea did not exist.The so-called "Asian paradox" must be solved by these countries together, for example, through some sort of mutual investment mechanism or guarantee system.If a Marshall Plan is to succeed, then both Japan and Korea need to set up large numbers of schools for the purpose of educating students in modern technology and management methods.